What I like about Python
Lynn Root asked in twitter what you like and like to improve in python https://twitter.com/roguelynn/status/259338864664125440. Following are my observation
- Importance to documentation..
- Clean syntax.
- Easy to get started for non CS background people.
- lot of smart programmers.
- Libraries like IPython, requests, flask.
- Creating libraries like pygments, sphinx, readthedocs to solve * REAL * problem.
I would like/want to improve
- python.org site
- While programmers are reading docs.python.org, code snippets should be executable right from the page(I have plans to start this as personal project).
- Ship real documentation server like godoc(I will tentatively start this work in second week of november).
- Solve concurrency in core with CPython.
- Make python first class programming language in Windows.
- Better support for tablet, smart phone application development.
Apart from all the above python community is awesome(yes my english is poor yu know that).