how not to insult developer while hiring

In December I was looking for new job. I came across one and applied. After couple of rounds of interview, co founder informed me we will get back to you, but never happened. This sounds normal but it is not.


First round of interview started with online pair programming with one of the co-founder X. After that I went to their office, met product manager, co founder X had discussion for an hour. Then we decided we will meet again. After couple of days solved two more problems. Then again pair programmed with other co-founder Y. Then discussed with co-founder X about company style, roles, expectation, before leaving I was interviewed by another team member over cup of coffee for half an hour. Co-founder X replied, I will get back to you tonight. Three days passed nothing happened, I dropped a Thank you email, still no response.


I have attended 5 rounds of interview (every thing was technical) over a week span and still I haven’t received any response (it’s more than a month now ). I know as a co-founder you are interviewing hundreds of developers, managing technical issue, dozens of emails to reply, deadline to ship, but it also important to drop a line saying Krace, we weren't happy with your performance, Blah Blah. Given that I have spent significant amount of time spent interviewing, I expect minimum value for my time. Now you have also given me a reason why I shouldn’t apply to you again. If you are founder/co-founder/recruiter reading this don’t make this kind of mistake. Drop an email after an interview with your decision.