Check Tamil word or sentence is palindrome

Read as Markdown

How to check given text is palindrome or not

def sanitize(text):
    for char in [" ", ".", ",", ";", "\n"]:
        text = text.replace(char, "")
    return text

def palindrome(word):
    # This approach is o(n), problem can be solved with o(n/2)
    # I am using this approach for brevity
    return word == word[::-1]

palindrome(sanitize("madam")) # True
palindrome(sanitize(u"விகடகவி")) # False

Here is the hand made version for Tamil

# Assign the variable meal the value 44.50 on line 3!
# hex values from க..வ
def sanitize(text):
    for char in [" ", ".", ",", ";", "\n"]:
        text = text.replace(char, "")
    return text

dependent_vowel_range = range(0xbbe, 0xbce)

def palindrome_tamil(text):
    front, rear = 0, len(text) - 1
    while True:
        #We will start checking from both ends
        #If code reached centre exit
        if front == rear or abs(front - rear) == 1:
            return True
            if ord(text[front+1]) in dependent_vowel_range and ord(text[rear]) in dependent_vowel_range:
                if text[front] == text[rear-1] and text[front+1] == text[rear]:
                    front += 2
                    rear -= 2
                    return False
                if text[front] == text[rear]:
                    front += 1
                    rear -= 1
                    return False

print palindrome_tamil(sanitize(u"விகடகவி")) == True
text = u"""
யாமாமாநீ யாமாமா யாழீகாமா காணாகா
காணாகாமா காழீயா மாமாயாநீ மாமாயா
print palindrome_tamil(sanitize(text)) == True
