How much will it cost to attend Hacker School ?

Hacker School is a three-month, full-time school in New York for becoming a better programmer for free, but stay, travels is yours.

I have no idea how much it will cost for travel from India, stay, food, internet, transit so I asked the question in Quora. I got pretty good answers.

Then I started do my lame math.

Monthly Expense(USD)

 Rent = 1000
 Phone = 80
 Transit = 100
 Internet = 40
 Electricity = 40
 Food = 250
 Snacks = 100
 Outing = 120
 Misc = 100

Total = 1830.

So let me round to 2000 USD for safety.

If I am right I need to pay advance for Room, let me add one month rent to total expense. 7000 USD now.

Two way flight will cost 60000 INR, 10000 INR for Visa. Assuming 1 USD to 55.0, 70000 INR = 1272.73 USD.

7000 USD is 385000 INR. So total money required for me is 455000 INR.

Q: How long will take to save so much money ?A: 30 months to 36 months.

So after 3 years these USD to INR must be higher and US food pricing, rent must be increased at least by 2% to 5%. So it will be 7350 USD.

By guess 1 USD will be 60 INR in 2015. 7350 * 60 = 441000, Wow to spend 3 months in Hacker School I need to save money for 3 years.

Will my interest hold up ?

Time and Tide waits for none.