My Experience With Rust

When I was about to leave to RC in few weeks, wrote an E-mail to Puneeth asking for Do's and Don'ts at RC. One of the line in the mail said,

Since you are a Python guy, don’t write any Python code while you are there. Do something completely different.

I contemplated which language to choose. Other than Python, I knew a decent amount of Go-lang and Javascript. I previously attempted to learn rust but never dived deep into it. I reconsidered learning it and came up with the project idea.

“Capture all the internet packet and figure out how much each website is consuming the bandwidth.”

After spending three weeks at RC, I started to work on the project imon. I was excited to work on the project for several reasons

First bummer - Lifetime

pcap is a rust crate to capture the packets from a device(Wifi, Ethernet port). To get any useful information from the packet, you need to decode the packet carrying data of various layers. So decode Ethernet packet to pull out the payload. The payload becomes the next layer packet. The step goes on till you find required information. In my case, I need to have TCP or UDP packet to pull out wanted data. Capturing and decoding packet in same thread will make the program drop a lot of frames. So having a separate thread to sniff and decode made the program performant. So how do you communicate between two threads? I choose message passing since I had experience with coroutines, and go channels.

While passing the message via the channel from sniffer thread to decoder thread, packet didn’t live long enough to go through the channel. Here is the GH issue.

The first suggestion which came up when I asked around was clone the packet and send across the channel. After hours of debugging, I didn’t get the solutions. After few days, karthik replied

The problem is that you are trying to send a reference with a limited lifetime across a thread boundary, which is not allowed. The clone is for a slice (a reference to a byte array), you probably want to do a clone_from_slice as shown here into a static byte array, then you should be able to talk across a thread (though this technique requires using unsafe).

I had multiple encounters with a lifetime of strings, string slice. Still, I am facing life time issues. As name suggests, life time problem is for life time.


To collate the traffic data, the inferred information from packets needs to reside somewhere. SQLite was my preferred choice for ease of installation - I

Using the above code to insert records failed because FromSql trait wasn’t satisfied for the field date.

Adding the following lines didn’t fix the problem either.

impl FromSql for chrono::Date<utc> {
    fn column_result(value: u32){
         println!("{:?}", value);

The compiler threw up an another error

The compiler allows declaring trait for types defined in the current crate. Date<utc> in Chrono doesn't implement FromSql trait.

rusqlite included support for DateTime in separate file. Importing use rusqlite::type::chrono::{DateTime<utc>} failed. For a couple of hours, I was puzzled, how come code in the project directory is unimportable? Reading the README file carefully revealed, the Cargo supports optional features to be included along with core library. Changing the Cargo.toml to have features attribute to dependencies.rusqlite fixed the issue.

version = "0.7.3"
features = ["chrono"]

What this means, the additional features which are part of the code base is compiled with binary only when specified. The use case is similar to installing SQLAlchemy and installing psycopg2 driver to connect Postgres.


The program follows daemon and client architecture. When client queries daemon to send traffic data like ./binary site, the daemon sends out all the traffic data associated with the domain. I choose msgpack format to communicate. The rmp crate can automatically encode/decode struct to msgpack as long as attribute #[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)] is used.

If the struct field is declared in an another crate like rusqlite, the source crate needs to support serialization. rusqlite supports serde_json and not rustc_serialize. So I ended up using custom tuple for serialization. Probably a good candidate for PR to rmp!

Signal Handler

Rust natively doesn’t support signal handler like SIGTERM, SIGINT(Ctrl - C). This is a good and bad decision. When the SIGINT interrupt is received; the daemon could write all the cached DNS mapping to a file and read the file during startup. chan-signal provides a way to do this, but only works for threaded code. Even if the program is designed to run on a single thread, chan_select requires you to spin a new thread, when the new thread receives the interrupt, the main thread executes chan_select! and clean up is performed inside macro.

My program uses a HashMap, Arc to share data between threads safely. Using chan_signal with existing code structure caused lifetime issues for hashmap. I tried for a couple of hours to get it working, and it looked complicated than I thought. I have left to figure this out for future. Do you know any multi-threaded rust program that handles signals?


I enjoy writing tests. It spots design smell and gifts subtle hints on API flexibility. Rust follows a different convention for unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests reside in the same file where the function is defined marked by the attribute #[test]. Integration tests are set in tests directory at the same level as src. By default rust, compiler harnesses multi-threading. If you’re web developer, you can think of what can happen in integration tests :-)

Running tests in multiple threads saves a considerable amount of time for large test suites. But tearing down tables or database for every test causes race conditions in DB. Test case for create_or_update_record requires serial execution. Setting environment variable RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 runs all tests in serial mode. RUST_TEST_THREADS environment variable affects both unit and integration tests.

Cargo.toml supports [[test]] section. Test section looks like

name = "db_integration"
harness = false
test = true

name points to file inside tests/ should have a entry point i.e main function. Tests inside doesn’t contain #[test] attribute. The code looks like

Integration tests can only access public module/structin the project crate. To assert on a struct’s field, the field should be declared pub keyword like pub has_changed: bool which makes sense.

Error Messages

Rust error message is clear, concise, colorful and comes with a error code most of the times. Error code gives detailed write up about the possible scenario with an example. Here is an error message

Cargo explain flag displays verbose information about the error and link to the RFC.

This kind of error message explanation kindles interest to learn more. Some error message comes with excellent apt suggestions to fix the error.

At one place, rust error message is confusing and annoying. Error message returned while unwrapping a None is confusing and doesn’t print line number where error occurred. Here is an example

The correct way to unwrap an option is match, try!, ?, operator which is available in 1.13 or unwrap_or_else. Once I mistakenly accused foreign crate as unstable for the error. This took many encounters for me to figure out, the problem is with unwrap.

Here is output after setting RUST_BACKTRACE.

Having some sort of way to highlight the current project code in the backtrace can be visually useful for bigger project and nested code path. and

Here is my src directory structure.

user@user-ThinkPad-T400 ~/c/imon> ls src** is the entry point for the daemon and client. The code looks like

#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate imon;
fn main(){
} contains all the external crate imports and public modules. The public modules declared here are only importable in any foreign crate utilizing the project.

#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
use std::fmt;
pub mod cli;
pub mod decoder;
pub mod packet;

To use a macro defined in the crate log in any rust file inside src except no import is needed. All foreign crate are imported in and another rust file can use importables like use foo; foo.method() but in needs extern crate log; statement and doesn’t look in The import distinction between and is a gray area to understand since both the files reside in the same directory.

Currently, I feel comfortable with rust. I haven’t used most of the features in rust like mutex, macros or distributed binaries. I have lots to read about rust, writing idiomatic rust but I am confident of using rust in production. I am learning what pieces can fall apart. There has been an enormous amount of work gone into rust compiler and tooling especially cargo. If you’re aware of Python world, Cargo is a single crate which performs multiple Python packages work pip, virtualenv, pytest and cookiecutter.

I owe a big part to RC folks who patiently assisted during the learning curve. Thanks to Nick Platt, Kamal Marhubi, Mike Nielsen and others.