HTTPie and Print HTTP Request

HTTPie is a command-line utility for making HTTP requests with more straightforward syntax(controversial, I agree). The interesting feature is --offline flag which prints HTTP raw request text. The client sends the HTTP request to the server, and the server responds to the request. It’s an alternate to curl. HTTP Syntax HTTP Flow and syntrax from Wikipedia. A client sends request messages to the server, which consist of a request line, consisting of the case-sensitive request method, a space, the request target, another space, the protocol version, a carriage return, and a line feed (e. [Read More]
Python  HTTP  CLI  HTTPie 

Capture all browser HTTP[s] calls to load a web page

How does one find out what network calls, browser requests to load web pages? The simple method - download the HTML page, parse the page, find out all the network calls using web parsers like beautifulsoup. The shortcoming in the method, what about the network calls made by your browser before requesting the web page? For example, firefox makes a call to to obtain revocation status on digital certificates. The protocol is Online Certificate Status Protocol. [Read More]
python  proxy  HTTP 

http request examples for luasocket

I was looking for http library in lua and landed in luasocket.http page. It isn’t well documented, sent few GET, POST, PUT requests and figured few bits. This blog post aims in bridging the gap(code examples). In this example, I will use httpbin as target site. The complete code is available as gist. The following code should be executed like a standalone lua file(lua lua_httpbin.lua) and while executing the code in interpreter please make local variables http, ltn12, base_url as global variables. [Read More]